决策树,根据名字就能知道,是一种树,一种依托于策略抉择而建立起来的树。在 机器学习中,决策树是一个预测模型,代表的是对象属性与对象值之间的一种映射关系。从数据产生决策树的机器学习技术叫做决策树学习, 通俗点说就是:决策树是一种依托于分类、训练上的预测树,可以根据已知,对未来进行预测、归类。
1. ID3选取信息增益的属性递归进行分类
信息熵: H(X)=-sigma(对每一个x)(plogp)
信息增益:g(D,A)=H(D)-H(D|A) H(D)为整个数据集的熵
算法流程:(1)计算每一个属性的信息增益,如果信息增益小于阈值,就将该支置为叶节点,选择其中个数最多的类标签来作为该类的类标签。反之,则选择其中最大的作为分类属 性。
(2)若果各个分支中都只含有同一类数据,那么就将这支置为叶子节点, 否则 继续进行(1)。
2. C4.5算法
C4.5算法是ID3的改进算法 , 是机器学习算法中的另一个分类决策树算法,可以说是决策树核心算法。
一个可以选择的度量标准是增益比率gain ratio(Quinlan 1986)。增益比率度量是用前面的增益度量Gain(S,A)和分裂信息度量SplitInformation(S,A)来共同定义的,如下所示:
Function C4.5(R:包含连续属性的无类别属性集合,C:类别属性,S:训练集)
If S为空,返回一个值为Failure的单个节点;
If S是由相同类别属性值的记录组成,
If R为空,则返回一个单节点,其值为在S的记录中找出的频率最高的类别属性值;
For 所有的属性R(Ri) Do
If 属性Ri为连续属性,则
For j From 2 To m-1 Do Aj=A1+j*(A1Am)/m;
将Ri点的基于{< =Aj,>Aj}的最大信息增益属性(Ri,S)赋给A;
End C4.5
切分变量和切分点选取:对于每一个变量进行遍历,从中选择切分点。选择一个切分点满足分类均方误差最小。然后在选出所有变量中最小分类误差最小的变量作为切分 变量。
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris import numpy as np import math from collections import Counter class decisionnode: def __init__(self, d=None, thre=None, results=None, NH=None, lb=None, rb=None, max_label=None): self.d = d # d表示维度 self.thre = thre # thre表示二分时的比较值,将样本集分为2类 self.results = results # 最后的叶节点代表的类别 self.NH = NH # 存储各节点的样本量与经验熵的乘积,便于剪枝时使用 self.lb = lb # desision node,对应于样本在d维的数据小于thre时,树上相对于当前节点的子树上的节点 self.rb = rb # desision node,对应于样本在d维的数据大于thre时,树上相对于当前节点的子树上的节点 self.max_label = max_label # 记录当前节点包含的label中同类最多的label def entropy(y): ''' 计算信息熵,y为labels ''' if y.size > 1: category = list(set(y)) else: category = [y.item()] y = [y.item()] ent = 0 for label in category: p = len([label_ for label_ in y if label_ == label]) / len(y) ent += -p * math.log(p, 2) return ent def Gini(y): ''' 计算基尼指数,y为labels ''' category = list(set(y)) gini = 1 for label in category: p = len([label_ for label_ in y if label_ == label]) / len(y) gini += -p * p return gini def GainEnt_max(X, y, d): ''' 计算选择属性attr的最大信息增益,X为样本集,y为label,d为一个维度,type为int ''' ent_X = entropy(y) X_attr = X[:, d] X_attr = list(set(X_attr)) X_attr = sorted(X_attr) Gain = 0 thre = 0 for i in range(len(X_attr) - 1): thre_temp = (X_attr[i] + X_attr[i + 1]) / 2 y_small_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] <= thre_temp] y_big_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] > thre_temp] y_small = y[y_small_index] y_big = y[y_big_index] Gain_temp = ent_X - (len(y_small) / len(y)) * \ entropy(y_small) - (len(y_big) / len(y)) * entropy(y_big) ''' intrinsic_value = -(len(y_small) / len(y)) * math.log(len(y_small) / len(y), 2) - (len(y_big) / len(y)) * math.log(len(y_big) / len(y), 2) Gain_temp = Gain_temp / intrinsic_value ''' # print(Gain_temp) if Gain < Gain_temp: Gain = Gain_temp thre = thre_temp return Gain, thre def Gini_index_min(X, y, d): ''' 计算选择属性attr的最小基尼指数,X为样本集,y为label,d为一个维度,type为int ''' X = X.reshape(-1, len(X.T)) X_attr = X[:, d] X_attr = list(set(X_attr)) X_attr = sorted(X_attr) Gini_index = 1 thre = 0 for i in range(len(X_attr) - 1): thre_temp = (X_attr[i] + X_attr[i + 1]) / 2 y_small_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] <= thre_temp] y_big_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] > thre_temp] y_small = y[y_small_index] y_big = y[y_big_index] Gini_index_temp = (len(y_small) / len(y)) * \ Gini(y_small) + (len(y_big) / len(y)) * Gini(y_big) if Gini_index > Gini_index_temp: Gini_index = Gini_index_temp thre = thre_temp return Gini_index, thre def attribute_based_on_GainEnt(X, y): ''' 基于信息增益选择最优属性,X为样本集,y为label ''' D = np.arange(len(X[0])) Gain_max = 0 thre_ = 0 d_ = 0 for d in D: Gain, thre = GainEnt_max(X, y, d) if Gain_max < Gain: Gain_max = Gain thre_ = thre d_ = d # 维度标号 return Gain_max, thre_, d_ def attribute_based_on_Giniindex(X, y): ''' 基于信息增益选择最优属性,X为样本集,y为label ''' D = np.arange(len(X.T)) Gini_Index_Min = 1 thre_ = 0 d_ = 0 for d in D: Gini_index, thre = Gini_index_min(X, y, d) if Gini_Index_Min > Gini_index: Gini_Index_Min = Gini_index thre_ = thre d_ = d # 维度标号 return Gini_Index_Min, thre_, d_ def devide_group(X, y, thre, d): ''' 按照维度d下阈值为thre分为两类并返回 ''' X_in_d = X[:, d] x_small_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] <= thre] x_big_index = [i_arg for i_arg in range( len(X[:, d])) if X[i_arg, d] > thre] X_small = X[x_small_index] y_small = y[x_small_index] X_big = X[x_big_index] y_big = y[x_big_index] return X_small, y_small, X_big, y_big def NtHt(y): ''' 计算经验熵与样本数的乘积,用来剪枝,y为labels ''' ent = entropy(y) print('ent={},y_len={},all={}'.format(ent, len(y), ent * len(y))) return ent * len(y) def maxlabel(y): label_ = Counter(y).most_common(1) return label_[0][0] def buildtree(X, y, method='Gini'): ''' 递归的方式构建决策树 ''' if y.size > 1: if method == 'Gini': Gain_max, thre, d = attribute_based_on_Giniindex(X, y) elif method == 'GainEnt': Gain_max, thre, d = attribute_based_on_GainEnt(X, y) if (Gain_max > 0 and method == 'GainEnt') or (Gain_max >= 0 and len(list(set(y))) > 1 and method == 'Gini'): X_small, y_small, X_big, y_big = devide_group(X, y, thre, d) left_branch = buildtree(X_small, y_small, method=method) right_branch = buildtree(X_big, y_big, method=method) nh = NtHt(y) max_label = maxlabel(y) return decisionnode(d=d, thre=thre, NH=nh, lb=left_branch, rb=right_branch, max_label=max_label) else: nh = NtHt(y) max_label = maxlabel(y) return decisionnode(results=y[0], NH=nh, max_label=max_label) else: nh = NtHt(y) max_label = maxlabel(y) return decisionnode(results=y.item(), NH=nh, max_label=max_label) def printtree(tree, indent='-', dict_tree={}, direct='L'): # 是否是叶节点 if tree.results != None: print(tree.results) dict_tree = {direct: str(tree.results)} else: # 打印判断条件 print(str(tree.d) + ":" + str(tree.thre) + "? ") # 打印分支 print(indent + "L->",) a = printtree(tree.lb, indent=indent + "-", direct='L') aa = a.copy() print(indent + "R->",) b = printtree(tree.rb, indent=indent + "-", direct='R') bb = b.copy() aa.update(bb) stri = str(tree.d) + ":" + str(tree.thre) + "?" if indent != '-': dict_tree = {direct: {stri: aa}} else: dict_tree = {stri: aa} return dict_tree def classify(observation, tree): if tree.results != None: return tree.results else: v = observation[tree.d] branch = None if v > tree.thre: branch = tree.rb else: branch = tree.lb return classify(observation, branch) def pruning(tree, alpha=0.1): if tree.lb.results == None: pruning(tree.lb, alpha) if tree.rb.results == None: pruning(tree.rb, alpha) if tree.lb.results != None and tree.rb.results != None: before_pruning = tree.lb.NH + tree.rb.NH + 2 * alpha after_pruning = tree.NH + alpha print('before_pruning={},after_pruning={}'.format( before_pruning, after_pruning)) if after_pruning <= before_pruning: print('pruning--{}:{}?'.format(tree.d, tree.thre)) tree.lb, tree.rb = None, None tree.results = tree.max_label if __name__ == '__main__': iris = load_iris() X = iris.data y = iris.target permutation = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0]) shuffled_dataset = X[permutation, :] shuffled_labels = y[permutation] train_data = shuffled_dataset[:100, :] train_label = shuffled_labels[:100] test_data = shuffled_dataset[100:150, :] test_label = shuffled_labels[100:150] tree1 = buildtree(train_data, train_label, method='Gini') print('=============================') tree2 = buildtree(train_data, train_label, method='GainEnt') a = printtree(tree=tree1) b = printtree(tree=tree2) true_count = 0 for i in range(len(test_label)): predict = classify(test_data[i], tree1) if predict == test_label[i]: true_count += 1 print("CARTTree:{}".format(true_count)) true_count = 0 for i in range(len(test_label)): predict = classify(test_data[i], tree2) if predict == test_label[i]: true_count += 1 print("C3Tree:{}".format(true_count)) #print(attribute_based_on_Giniindex(X[49:51, :], y[49:51])) from pylab import * mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 指定默认字体 mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 解决保存图像时负号'-'显示为方块的问题 import treePlotter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt treePlotter.createPlot(a, 1) treePlotter.createPlot(b, 2) # 剪枝处理 pruning(tree=tree1, alpha=4) pruning(tree=tree2, alpha=4) a = printtree(tree=tree1) b = printtree(tree=tree2) true_count = 0 for i in range(len(test_label)): predict = classify(test_data[i], tree1) if predict == test_label[i]: true_count += 1 print("CARTTree:{}".format(true_count)) true_count = 0 for i in range(len(test_label)): predict = classify(test_data[i], tree2) if predict == test_label[i]: true_count += 1 print("C3Tree:{}".format(true_count)) treePlotter.createPlot(a, 3) treePlotter.createPlot(b, 4) plt.show()
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