
2020-07-09   阅读量: 823


SQL 50题


-- 创建数据库school

create database school;

-- 选择进入school数据库

use school;

-- ------------建表导数-------------

-- 创建stu

create table stu(

s_id varchar(10) primary key,

s_name varchar(10),

s_birth date,

s_sex varchar(10));

-- 导入数据

insert into stu values

('01' , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男'),

('02' , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男'),

('03' , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男'),

('04' , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男'),

('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女'),

('06' , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女'),

('07' , '郑竹' , '1992-04-21' , '女'),

('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');

select * from stu; -- 检查数据

select count(*) from stu; -- 检查总行数

-- 创建co

create table co(

c_id varchar(10) primary key,

c_name varchar(10),

t_id varchar(10));

-- 导入数据

insert into co values

('01' , '语文' , '02'),

('02' , '数学' , '01'),

('03' , '英语' , '03');

select * from co; -- 检查数据

select count(*) from co; -- 检查总行数

-- 创建te

create table te(

t_id varchar(10) primary key,

t_name varchar(10));

-- 导入数据

insert into te values

('01' , '张三'),

('02' , '李四'),

('03' , '王五');

select * from te; -- 检查数据

select count(*) from te; -- 检查总行数

-- 创建sc

create table sc(

s_id varchar(10),

c_id varchar(10),

score int);

-- 导入数据

insert into sc values

('01' , '01' , 80),

('01' , '02' , 90),

('01' , '03' , 99),

('02' , '01' , 70),

('02' , '02' , 60),

('02' , '03' , 80),

('03' , '01' , 80),

('03' , '02' , 80),

('03' , '03' , 80),

('04' , '01' , 50),

('04' , '02' , 30),

('04' , '03' , 20),

('05' , '01' , 76),

('05' , '02' , 87),

('06' , '01' , 31),

('06' , '03' , 34),

('07' , '02' , 89),

('07' , '03' , 98);

select * from sc; -- 检查数据

select count(*) from sc; -- 检查总行数


-- 1、查询"01"课程比"02"课程成绩高的学生信息及课程分数


select * from sc where c_id='01';


select * from sc where c_id='02';

select stu.*,sc.c_id,sc.score

from (select * from sc where c_id='01') t1

join (select * from sc where c_id='02') t2 on t1.s_id=t2.s_id

join stu on t1.s_id=stu.s_id

join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

where t1.score>t2.score;


-- 2、查询"01"课程比"02"课程成绩低的学生的信息及课程分数

select stu.*,sc.c_id,sc.score

from (select * from sc where c_id='01') t1

join (select * from sc where c_id='02') t2 on t1.s_id=t2.s_id

join stu on t1.s_id=stu.s_id

join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

where t1.score<t2.score;

select stu.*,sc.c_id,sc.score

from sc t1

join sc t2 on t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t1.c_id='01' and t2.c_id='02' and t1.score<t2.score

join stu on t1.s_id=stu.s_id

join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id;


-- 3、查询平均成绩大于等于60分的同学的学生编号、学生姓名和平均成绩

select stu.s_id,s_name,avg(score) 平均成绩

from stu left join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

group by stu.s_id

having avg(score)>=60;


-- 4、查询平均成绩小于60分的同学的学生编号、学生姓名和平均成绩

select stu.s_id,s_name,avg(score) 平均成绩

from stu left join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

group by stu.s_id

having avg(score)<60;


-- 5、查询所有同学的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩


select stu.s_id,s_name,count(c_id) 选课门数,sum(score) 总成绩

from stu left join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

group by stu.s_id;


-- 6、查询"李"姓老师的数量

select count(t_id) from te where t_name like '李%';


-- 7、查询学过"张三"老师授课的同学的信息

select stu.*

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where t_name='张三';


-- 8、查询没学过"张三"老师授课的同学的信息


select s_id

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

where t_name='张三';

select *

from stu

where s_id not in (select s_id

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

where t_name='张三');


-- 9、查询学过编号为"01"并且也学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息

select stu.*

from sc

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where c_id in ('01','02')

group by sc.s_id

having count(c_id)=2;


-- 10、查询学过编号为"01"但是没有学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息

select stu.*

from sc

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where c_id in ('01','02')

group by sc.s_id

having group_concat(c_id)='01';


#-- 11、查询没有学全所有课程的同学的信息


select count(c_id) from co;


select s_id,count(c_id) from sc group by s_id;


select s_id,count(c_id) from sc group by s_id having count(c_id)<(select count(c_id) from co);

select stu.*

from (select s_id,count(c_id) from sc group by s_id having count(c_id)<(select count(c_id) from co)) t

join stu on t.s_id=stu.s_id;




select c_id from sc where s_id='01';

select distinct stu.*

from sc

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where c_id in (select c_id from sc where s_id='01') and stu.s_id<>'01';




select group_concat(c_id order by c_id) from sc where s_id='01';

select stu.*,group_concat(c_id order by c_id)

from sc

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

group by sc.s_id

having group_concat(c_id order by c_id)=(select group_concat(c_id order by c_id) from sc where s_id='01') and stu.s_id<>'01';



select s_name

from stu

where s_id not in (select s_id from sc where c_id=(select c_id from te left join co on te.t_id=co.t_id where t_name='张三'));




select s_id,count(c_id) 不及格门数 from sc where score<60 group by s_id having 不及格门数>=2;


select s_id,avg(score) 平均成绩 from sc group by s_id;


select t1.s_id,s_name,平均成绩

from (select s_id,count(c_id) 不及格门数 from sc where score<60 group by s_id having 不及格门数>=2) t1

join (select s_id,avg(score) 平均成绩 from sc group by s_id) t2 on t1.s_id=t2.s_id

join stu on t2.s_id=stu.s_id;




select s_id ,score from sc where c_id='01' and score<60;


select stu.*,score

from (select s_id ,score from sc where c_id='01' and score<60) t

left join stu on t.s_id=stu.s_id

order by score desc;



select stu.s_id,

sum(case c_id when'01' then score else 0 end) '01',

sum(case c_id when'02' then score else 0 end) '02',

sum(case c_id when'03' then score else 0 end) '03',

avg(score) 平均成绩

from stu left join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

group by stu.s_id

order by 平均成绩 desc;





sc.c_id,c_name,max(score) 最高分,min(score) 最低分,avg(score) 平均分,

avg(score>=60) as 及格率,avg(score>=70 and score<80) as 中等率,

avg(score>=80 and score<90) as 优良率,avg(score>=90) as 优秀率

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

group by sc.c_id;



select s_id,sum(score) 总成绩,dense_rank() over(order by sum(score) desc) 排名

from sc

group by s_id;



select *,dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) 排名

from sc;



select te.t_id,t_name,c_name,avg(score) 课程平均分

from te left join co on te.t_id=co.t_id

left join sc on co.c_id=sc.c_id

group by te.t_id,co.c_id

order by 课程平均分 desc;



select *


(select *,dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) 排名

from sc) t

where 排名 between 2 and 3;



select sc.c_id,c_name,

avg(score>=0 and score<60) as '[0-60]所占百分比',

avg(score>=60 and score<70) as '[60-70]所占百分比',

avg(score>=70 and score<85) as '[70-85]所占百分比',

avg(score>=85 and score<=100) as '[85-100]所占百分比'

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

group by sc.c_id;



select s_id,avg(score) 平均成绩,dense_rank() over(order by avg(score) desc) 排名

from sc

group by s_id;



select *


(select *,dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) 排名

from sc) t

where 排名<=3;



select c_id,count(s_id) as 选修人数

from sc

group by c_id;




select s_id,count(score) from sc group by s_id having count(score)=2;


select t.s_id,s_name

from (select s_id from sc group by s_id having count(s_id)=2) t

left join stu on t.s_id=stu.s_id;



select count(s_sex) 人数

from stu

group by s_sex;



select *

from stu

where s_name like '%风%';



select s_name,count(s_name) 重复次数

from stu

group by s_name

having 重复次数>1;



select s_name

from stu

where year(s_birth)=1990;



select c_id,avg(score) 平均成绩

from sc

group by c_id

order by 平均成绩 desc,c_id;




select s_id,avg(score) 平均成绩 from sc group by s_id having 平均成绩>=85;


select t.s_id,s_name,平均成绩

from (select s_id,avg(score) 平均成绩 from sc group by s_id having 平均成绩>=85) t

left join stu on t.s_id=stu.s_id;




select s_name,score

from stu join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

where c_name='数学' and score<60;





sum(if(c_id='01',score,0)) as '01',

sum(if(c_id='02',score,0)) as '02',

sum(if(c_id='03',score,0)) as '03'

from sc

group by s_id;



sum((c_id='01')*score) as '01',

sum((c_id='02')*score) as '02',

sum((c_id='03')*score) as '03'

from sc

group by s_id;




select * from sc where score>70;


select s_name,c_name,t.score

from (select * from sc where score>70) t join stu on t.s_id=stu.s_id join co on t.c_id=co.c_id;




select distinct c_id from sc where score<60;


select t.c_id,c_name

from (select distinct c_id from sc where score<60) t

join co on t.c_id=co.c_id;



select stu.s_id,s_name

from stu left join sc on stu.s_id=sc.s_id

where c_id='01' and score>80;



select c_id,count(s_id) 学生人数

from sc

group by c_id;




select max(score)

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where t_name='张三';

select stu.*,score

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where t_name='张三' and score=(select max(score)

from sc

left join co on sc.c_id=co.c_id

left join te on co.t_id=te.t_id

left join stu on sc.s_id=stu.s_id

where t_name='张三');



select * from sc t1

where s_id in (select s_id from sc t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t1.c_id<>t2.c_id and t1.score=t2.score);

select distinct t1.* from sc t1,sc t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t1.c_id<>t2.c_id and t1.score=t2.score;



select *


(select *,dense_rank() over(partition by c_id order by score desc) 排名

from sc) t

where 排名<=2;




select c_id,count(s_id) as 选修人数

from sc

group by c_id

having count(s_id)>5

order by 选修人数 desc,c_id;



select s_id

from sc

group by s_id

having count(s_id)>=2;



select *

from stu

where s_id in (select s_id from sc group by s_id having count(s_id)=(

select count(c_id) from co));



select s_id,s_name,(year(now())-year(s_birth)) as 年龄

from stu;




select date_format(curdate(),'%w');


select date_sub(curdate(),interval date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);


select date_add(curdate(),interval 6-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);

select *

from stu

where date_format(s_birth,'2020-%m-%d') between date_sub(curdate(),interval date_format(curdate(),'%w') day) and date_add(curdate(),interval 6-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);

select *

from stu

where week(date_format(s_birth,'2020-%m-%d'))=week(curdate());




select 7-date_format(curdate(),'%w');


select date_add(curdate(),interval 7-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);


select date_add(curdate(),interval 13-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);

select *

from stu

where date_format(s_birth,'2020-%m-%d') between date_add(curdate(),interval 7-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day) and date_add(curdate(),interval 13-date_format(curdate(),'%w') day);

select *

from stu

where week(date_format(s_birth,'2020-%m-%d'))=if(week(curdate())=52,0,week(curdate())+1);



select *

from stu

where month(s_birth)=month(curdate());



select *

from stu

where month(s_birth)=if(month(curdate())=12,1,month(curdate())+1);

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