




  • 设备pro-5-1
base_list_1 = [0.944, 0.901, 0.957, 0.911, 1.189, 0.93, 0.94, 0.932, 0.951, 0.911, 0.934, 0.903, 0.922, 0.917, 0.931, 0.962, 0.945, 1.254, 0.918, 0.913, 0.931, 0.935, 0.89, 0.948, 0.932, 0.931, 0.875, 0.96, 1.117, 0.905, 0.955, 0.914, 0.95, 0.933, 0.941, 0.905, 0.919, 1.124, 0.953, 0.918, 0.942, 0.918, 0.914, 0.907, 0.942, 0.907, 0.895, 0.917, 0.927, 0.908, 0.915, 0.914, 0.945, 0.933, 0.894, 0.958, 0.885, 0.971, 0.94, 1.261, 0.949, 0.922, 1.009, 0.941, 0.942, 0.907, 0.913, 0.874, 0.963, 0.951, 0.972, 0.94, 0.952, 0.941, 0.954, 0.914, 0.951, 0.899, 0.908, 0.945, 0.934, 0.922, 0.92, 0.959, 0.946, 0.892, 0.847, 0.96, 0.973, 0.928, 0.913, 0.935, 0.939, 0.967, 0.907, 0.94, 0.927, 0.88, 1.004, 0.986]

cmp_list_1 = [0.931, 0.947, 0.965, 0.912, 0.966, 0.974, 0.97, 0.971, 0.958, 0.938, 0.949, 0.972, 0.946, 0.915, 0.906, 0.926, 0.955, 0.93, 0.931, 0.979, 0.952, 1.062, 0.921, 1.002, 0.927, 0.942, 0.991, 0.898, 1.121, 1.006, 0.941, 0.953, 1.013, 0.979, 0.997, 0.961, 0.947, 0.96, 0.966, 0.917, 1.002, 0.955, 0.946, 0.99, 0.945, 0.911, 0.923, 0.94, 0.933, 0.954, 0.907, 0.961, 0.937, 0.941, 0.897, 0.954, 0.979, 0.927, 0.957, 0.944, 0.961, 0.924, 0.953, 0.954, 0.929, 0.926, 0.965, 0.95, 0.964, 0.895, 0.921, 0.945, 0.955, 0.96, 0.962, 0.907, 0.933, 0.955, 0.921, 0.959, 0.934, 0.973, 0.977, 0.938, 0.945, 0.949, 0.932, 0.976, 0.947, 0.941, 0.898, 0.942, 0.887, 0.963, 0.931, 0.999, 0.915, 0.947, 0.958, 0.988]
  • 设备pro-5-2
base_list_2 = [0.887, 0.926, 0.931, 0.918, 0.905, 0.896, 0.889, 0.922, 0.923, 0.919, 0.927, 0.904, 0.927, 1.039, 0.933, 1.209, 0.935, 0.882, 0.947, 0.914, 0.871, 0.924, 0.922, 0.943, 0.902, 0.938, 0.896, 0.906, 0.939, 0.899, 0.934, 0.923, 0.927, 0.911, 0.943, 0.886, 0.844, 0.913, 0.907, 0.954, 0.934, 0.854, 0.953, 0.903, 0.931, 0.838, 0.936, 0.955, 0.943, 0.933, 0.901, 1.18, 0.907, 0.883, 0.885, 0.909, 0.94, 0.939, 0.889, 0.917, 0.933, 0.904, 0.888, 0.953, 0.936, 0.947, 0.927, 0.881, 0.914, 0.937, 0.898, 0.914, 0.929, 0.945, 0.935, 0.902, 0.939, 0.925, 0.909, 0.903, 0.92, 0.917, 0.987, 0.911, 0.889, 0.888, 0.91, 0.941, 0.904, 0.911, 0.908, 0.793, 1.113, 0.947, 0.876, 0.908, 0.91, 0.921, 0.941, 0.987]

cmp_list_1 = [0.929, 0.94, 0.931, 0.978, 0.965, 0.938, 0.941, 0.937, 0.91, 0.92, 0.934, 0.92, 0.981, 0.939, 0.928, 0.95, 0.94, 0.928, 0.925, 0.933, 0.963, 0.954, 0.987, 0.965, 0.96, 0.94, 0.966, 0.96, 0.942, 0.969, 0.978, 0.964, 0.921, 0.964, 0.939, 0.97, 0.961, 0.945, 1.004, 0.951, 0.916, 0.942, 0.955, 0.975, 0.947, 0.917, 0.944, 0.943, 0.905, 0.955, 0.96, 0.994, 0.925, 0.922, 0.958, 0.957, 0.958, 0.907, 0.981, 0.937, 0.959, 0.919, 0.959, 0.932, 0.951, 0.927, 0.949, 0.949, 0.944, 0.913, 0.967, 0.981, 0.942, 0.949, 0.932, 0.933, 0.97, 0.931, 0.918, 0.972, 0.95, 0.962, 0.988, 1.0, 1.003, 0.949, 0.933, 0.955, 0.934, 0.952, 0.937, 0.977, 0.936, 0.991, 0.986, 0.943, 0.997, 0.975, 0.991, 0.984]
  • 设备mx4-pro
base_list_1 = [1.359, 1.415, 1.395, 1.318, 1.345, 1.417, 1.36, 1.373, 1.337, 1.332, 1.498, 1.318, 1.392, 1.364, 1.397, 1.793, 1.341, 1.364, 1.428, 1.345, 1.418, 1.364, 1.372, 1.541, 1.465, 1.373, 1.337, 1.52, 1.375, 1.367, 1.366, 1.347, 1.334, 1.422, 1.354, 1.369, 1.413, 1.345, 1.373, 1.363, 1.464, 1.344, 1.324, 1.331, 1.405, 1.355, 1.674, 1.38, 1.352, 1.339, 1.326, 1.362, 1.431, 1.774, 1.312, 1.292, 1.384, 1.473, 1.337, 1.406, 1.412, 1.385, 1.292, 1.384, 1.342, 1.333, 1.435, 1.372, 1.42, 1.315, 1.344, 1.414, 1.51, 1.334, 1.308, 1.468, 1.401, 1.316, 1.373, 1.407, 1.474, 1.382, 1.346, 1.373, 1.366, 1.378, 1.315, 1.417, 1.431, 1.379, 1.324, 1.383, 1.349, 1.4, 1.327, 1.734, 1.395, 1.412, 1.438, 1.384]

cmp_list_1 = [1.414, 1.326, 1.421, 1.371, 1.363, 1.36, 1.417, 1.34, 1.357, 1.429, 1.308, 1.324, 1.351, 1.323, 1.367, 1.412, 1.391, 1.661, 1.34, 1.38, 1.528, 1.417, 1.352, 1.569, 1.32, 1.473, 1.531, 1.445, 1.407, 1.529, 1.356, 1.349, 1.362, 1.358, 1.375, 1.365, 1.317, 1.302, 1.342, 1.351, 1.393, 1.473, 1.392, 1.299, 1.367, 1.381, 1.354, 1.374, 1.551, 1.448, 1.387, 1.361, 1.358, 1.362, 1.568, 1.343, 1.334, 1.378, 1.417, 1.382, 1.421, 1.345, 1.336, 1.302, 1.349, 1.381, 1.374, 1.359, 1.38, 1.553, 1.34, 1.269, 1.353, 1.329, 1.649, 1.392, 1.367, 1.377, 1.403, 1.361, 1.352, 1.466, 1.389, 1.346, 1.345, 1.35, 1.383, 1.446, 1.613, 1.395, 1.402, 1.394, 1.348, 1.353, 1.395, 1.345, 1.274, 1.425, 1.351, 1.586]







import MySQLdb
import json
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import levene
import threading
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
class DBOperate(object):
    def __init__(self, host, user, db, passwd, port):
        self.host = host
        self.user = user
        self.db = db
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.port = port
        self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(
            host = self.host,
            user = self.user,
            passwd = self.passwd,
            db = self.db,
            port = self.port)
        self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
    def execute(self,sql):
            print "======sql执行成功: ",sql
        except Exception as e:
            print e
    def getData(self,sql):
            result = self.cur.fetchall()
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            print e
    def close(self):
class MathTools(object):
    def __init__(self,base_data,cmp_data):
        self.base_data = base_data
        self.cmp_data = cmp_data
    def testVar(self):
        result = levene(self.base_data,self.cmp_data)
        print result
        if float(result[1]) > 0.05:
            print "方差齐性检验通过,可以认为方差相等(说明硬件或者执行时间不同可能带来的误差可以忽略)!"
    def getMeanAndVar(self):
        for each in [self.base_data,self.cmp_data]:
            mean = np.mean(each)       
            var = np.var(each)
            std = np.std(each)
            print "==================="
            print "均值:",mean
            print "方差:",var
            print "标准差:",std
            print "==================="
        return mean,var,std
def drawPlot(avg,std):
    x = np.linspace(0.5,1.5,10000)
def dataAnalysis(tuple_data):
    avg_list = []
    for each_tuple in tuple_data:
        str_data = each_tuple[0]
        dic_data = json.loads(str_data)
        avg_time = float(dic_data['intervalStartTime'])
    return avg_list
def outputData(dboperate,task_id_1,task_id_2):
    data_base = dboperate.getData('''SELECT start_time_log from uctc_qms_start_time WHERE task_id=%s'''%task_id_1)
    data_cmp = dboperate.getData('''SELECT start_time_log from uctc_qms_start_time WHERE task_id=%s'''%task_id_2)
    base_list = dataAnalysis(data_base)
    cmp_list = dataAnalysis(data_cmp)
    return base_list,cmp_list
def main():
    dboperate = DBOperate(
    base_list_1,cmp_list_1 = outputData(dboperate,216674,216675)
    print "base_list_1:\n",base_list_1
    print "cmp_list_1:\n",cmp_list_1
    mt = MathTools(base_list_1,cmp_list_1)
    avg_list = mt.getMeanAndVar()
    base_list_2,cmp_list_2 = outputData(dboperate,216679,216680)
    print "base_list_2:\n",base_list_2
    print "cmp_list_2:\n",cmp_list_2
    mt2 = MathTools(base_list_2,cmp_list_2)
    base_list_3,cmp_list_3 = outputData(dboperate,216677,216682)
    print "base_list_1:\n",base_list_3
    print "cmp_list_1:\n",cmp_list_3
    mt3 = MathTools(base_list_3,cmp_list_3)
if __name__ == '__main__':


[0.944, 0.901, 0.957, 0.911, 1.189, 0.93, 0.94, 0.932, 0.951, 0.911, 0.934, 0.903, 0.922, 0.917, 0.931, 0.962, 0.945, 1.254, 0.918, 0.913, 0.931, 0.935, 0.89, 0.948, 0.932, 0.931, 0.875, 0.96, 1.117, 0.905, 0.955, 0.914, 0.95, 0.933, 0.941, 0.905, 0.919, 1.124, 0.953, 0.918, 0.942, 0.918, 0.914, 0.907, 0.942, 0.907, 0.895, 0.917, 0.927, 0.908, 0.915, 0.914, 0.945, 0.933, 0.894, 0.958, 0.885, 0.971, 0.94, 1.261, 0.949, 0.922, 1.009, 0.941, 0.942, 0.907, 0.913, 0.874, 0.963, 0.951, 0.972, 0.94, 0.952, 0.941, 0.954, 0.914, 0.951, 0.899, 0.908, 0.945, 0.934, 0.922, 0.92, 0.959, 0.946, 0.892, 0.847, 0.96, 0.973, 0.928, 0.913, 0.935, 0.939, 0.967, 0.907, 0.94, 0.927, 0.88, 1.004, 0.986]
[0.931, 0.947, 0.965, 0.912, 0.966, 0.974, 0.97, 0.971, 0.958, 0.938, 0.949, 0.972, 0.946, 0.915, 0.906, 0.926, 0.955, 0.93, 0.931, 0.979, 0.952, 1.062, 0.921, 1.002, 0.927, 0.942, 0.991, 0.898, 1.121, 1.006, 0.941, 0.953, 1.013, 0.979, 0.997, 0.961, 0.947, 0.96, 0.966, 0.917, 1.002, 0.955, 0.946, 0.99, 0.945, 0.911, 0.923, 0.94, 0.933, 0.954, 0.907, 0.961, 0.937, 0.941, 0.897, 0.954, 0.979, 0.927, 0.957, 0.944, 0.961, 0.924, 0.953, 0.954, 0.929, 0.926, 0.965, 0.95, 0.964, 0.895, 0.921, 0.945, 0.955, 0.96, 0.962, 0.907, 0.933, 0.955, 0.921, 0.959, 0.934, 0.973, 0.977, 0.938, 0.945, 0.949, 0.932, 0.976, 0.947, 0.941, 0.898, 0.942, 0.887, 0.963, 0.931, 0.999, 0.915, 0.947, 0.958, 0.988]
(2.585452271112739, 0.10944298973519527)
均值: 0.9432
方差: 0.00405766
标准差: 0.0636997645208
均值: 0.95079
方差: 0.0011006859
标准差: 0.0331765866237
[0.887, 0.926, 0.931, 0.918, 0.905, 0.896, 0.889, 0.922, 0.923, 0.919, 0.927, 0.904, 0.927, 1.039, 0.933, 1.209, 0.935, 0.882, 0.947, 0.914, 0.871, 0.924, 0.922, 0.943, 0.902, 0.938, 0.896, 0.906, 0.939, 0.899, 0.934, 0.923, 0.927, 0.911, 0.943, 0.886, 0.844, 0.913, 0.907, 0.954, 0.934, 0.854, 0.953, 0.903, 0.931, 0.838, 0.936, 0.955, 0.943, 0.933, 0.901, 1.18, 0.907, 0.883, 0.885, 0.909, 0.94, 0.939, 0.889, 0.917, 0.933, 0.904, 0.888, 0.953, 0.936, 0.947, 0.927, 0.881, 0.914, 0.937, 0.898, 0.914, 0.929, 0.945, 0.935, 0.902, 0.939, 0.925, 0.909, 0.903, 0.92, 0.917, 0.987, 0.911, 0.889, 0.888, 0.91, 0.941, 0.904, 0.911, 0.908, 0.793, 1.113, 0.947, 0.876, 0.908, 0.91, 0.921, 0.941, 0.987]
[0.929, 0.94, 0.931, 0.978, 0.965, 0.938, 0.941, 0.937, 0.91, 0.92, 0.934, 0.92, 0.981, 0.939, 0.928, 0.95, 0.94, 0.928, 0.925, 0.933, 0.963, 0.954, 0.987, 0.965, 0.96, 0.94, 0.966, 0.96, 0.942, 0.969, 0.978, 0.964, 0.921, 0.964, 0.939, 0.97, 0.961, 0.945, 1.004, 0.951, 0.916, 0.942, 0.955, 0.975, 0.947, 0.917, 0.944, 0.943, 0.905, 0.955, 0.96, 0.994, 0.925, 0.922, 0.958, 0.957, 0.958, 0.907, 0.981, 0.937, 0.959, 0.919, 0.959, 0.932, 0.951, 0.927, 0.949, 0.949, 0.944, 0.913, 0.967, 0.981, 0.942, 0.949, 0.932, 0.933, 0.97, 0.931, 0.918, 0.972, 0.95, 0.962, 0.988, 1.0, 1.003, 0.949, 0.933, 0.955, 0.934, 0.952, 0.937, 0.977, 0.936, 0.991, 0.986, 0.943, 0.997, 0.975, 0.991, 0.984]
(4.5987224867656273, 0.0332145312054625)
均值: 0.92446
方差: 0.0028034084
标准差: 0.0529472227789
均值: 0.95108
方差: 0.0005381736
标准差: 0.0231985689214
[1.359, 1.415, 1.395, 1.318, 1.345, 1.417, 1.36, 1.373, 1.337, 1.332, 1.498, 1.318, 1.392, 1.364, 1.397, 1.793, 1.341, 1.364, 1.428, 1.345, 1.418, 1.364, 1.372, 1.541, 1.465, 1.373, 1.337, 1.52, 1.375, 1.367, 1.366, 1.347, 1.334, 1.422, 1.354, 1.369, 1.413, 1.345, 1.373, 1.363, 1.464, 1.344, 1.324, 1.331, 1.405, 1.355, 1.674, 1.38, 1.352, 1.339, 1.326, 1.362, 1.431, 1.774, 1.312, 1.292, 1.384, 1.473, 1.337, 1.406, 1.412, 1.385, 1.292, 1.384, 1.342, 1.333, 1.435, 1.372, 1.42, 1.315, 1.344, 1.414, 1.51, 1.334, 1.308, 1.468, 1.401, 1.316, 1.373, 1.407, 1.474, 1.382, 1.346, 1.373, 1.366, 1.378, 1.315, 1.417, 1.431, 1.379, 1.324, 1.383, 1.349, 1.4, 1.327, 1.734, 1.395, 1.412, 1.438, 1.384]
[1.414, 1.326, 1.421, 1.371, 1.363, 1.36, 1.417, 1.34, 1.357, 1.429, 1.308, 1.324, 1.351, 1.323, 1.367, 1.412, 1.391, 1.661, 1.34, 1.38, 1.528, 1.417, 1.352, 1.569, 1.32, 1.473, 1.531, 1.445, 1.407, 1.529, 1.356, 1.349, 1.362, 1.358, 1.375, 1.365, 1.317, 1.302, 1.342, 1.351, 1.393, 1.473, 1.392, 1.299, 1.367, 1.381, 1.354, 1.374, 1.551, 1.448, 1.387, 1.361, 1.358, 1.362, 1.568, 1.343, 1.334, 1.378, 1.417, 1.382, 1.421, 1.345, 1.336, 1.302, 1.349, 1.381, 1.374, 1.359, 1.38, 1.553, 1.34, 1.269, 1.353, 1.329, 1.649, 1.392, 1.367, 1.377, 1.403, 1.361, 1.352, 1.466, 1.389, 1.346, 1.345, 1.35, 1.383, 1.446, 1.613, 1.395, 1.402, 1.394, 1.348, 1.353, 1.395, 1.345, 1.274, 1.425, 1.351, 1.586]
(0.0077692351582683648, 0.92985189389348166)
均值: 1.39346
方差: 0.0075982484
标准差: 0.0871679321769
均值: 1.39223
方差: 0.0058431971
标准差: 0.0764408078189





import string  
import math  
import sys  
from scipy.stats import  t  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
import numpy as np  
# Parameters #  
ver = 1 
verbose = 0 
alpha = 0.05 
def usage():  
    print """ 
    usage: ./program data_file(one sample in one line) 
def main():  
    sample1 = [1.15, 1.119, 1.098, 1.147, 1.092, 1.131, 1.17, 1.138, 1.115, 1.143, 1.126, 1.182, 1.124, 1.145, 1.093, 1.131, 1.102, 1.191, 1.093, 1.089, 1.115, 1.128, 1.119, 1.163, 1.143, 1.114, 1.098, 1.142, 1.126, 1.213, 1.279, 1.125, 1.174, 1.103, 1.13, 1.089, 1.164, 1.106, 1.155, 1.085, 1.186, 1.155, 1.207, 1.081, 1.122, 1.112, 1.137, 1.096, 1.078, 1.122, 1.11, 1.095, 1.132, 1.134, 1.118, 1.117, 1.116, 1.116, 1.108, 1.14, 1.099, 1.124, 1.113, 1.203, 1.135, 1.124, 1.098, 1.105, 1.082, 1.107, 1.155, 1.164, 1.096, 1.175, 1.17, 1.161, 1.093, 1.152, 1.085, 0.969, 1.068, 0.95, 1.077, 0.999, 1.147, 1.144, 1.097, 1.119, 1.126, 1.148, 1.083, 1.106, 1.107, 1.094, 1.121, 1.136, 1.086, 1.141, 1.119, 1.153]
    sample2 = [1.154, 1.094, 1.131, 1.087, 1.148, 1.046, 1.228, 1.142, 0.931, 1.063, 1.12, 1.08, 1.129, 1.073, 1.116, 1.081, 1.177, 1.081, 1.133, 1.093, 1.13, 1.085, 1.125, 1.062, 1.133, 1.062, 0.927, 1.055, 1.202, 1.162, 1.102, 1.098, 1.126, 1.144, 1.088, 1.131, 1.105, 1.094, 1.099, 1.112, 1.158, 1.181, 1.107, 0.937, 1.082, 1.1, 1.06, 1.114, 1.088, 1.141, 1.085, 1.232, 1.131, 1.155, 1.069, 1.149, 1.088, 1.125, 1.074, 1.13, 1.053, 1.102, 1.128, 1.166, 1.101, 1.192, 1.073, 1.131, 1.057, 1.098, 1.077, 1.119, 1.084, 1.164, 1.114, 1.148, 1.063, 1.113, 1.084, 1.063, 1.05, 1.078, 1.112, 1.181, 1.109, 1.087, 1.075, 1.078, 1.109, 1.081, 1.104, 1.059, 1.099, 1.142, 1.084, 1.084, 1.09, 1.089, 1.14, 1.105]
    sample_len = len(sample1)
    sample_diff = []  
    for i in range(sample_len):  
        sample_diff.append(sample1[i] - sample2[i])  
    if (verbose):  
        print("sample_diff = ", sample_diff)  
    # Hypothesis testing #  
    sample = sample_diff  
    numargs = t.numargs  
    [ df ] = [sample_len - 1,] * numargs  
    if (verbose):  
        print("df(degree of freedom, student's t distribution parameter) = ", df)  
    sample_mean = np.mean(sample)  
    sample_std = np.std(sample, dtype=np.float64, ddof=1)  
    if (verbose):  
        print("mean = %f, std = %f" % (sample_mean, sample_std))  
    abs_t = math.fabs( sample_mean / (sample_std / math.sqrt(sample_len)) )  
    if (verbose):  
        print("t = ", abs_t)  
    t_alpha_percentile = t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, df)  
    if (verbose):  
        print("abs_t = ", abs_t)  
        print("t_alpha_percentile = ", t_alpha_percentile)  
    if (abs_t >= t_alpha_percentile):  
        print "REJECT the null hypothesis" 
        print "ACCEPT the null hypothesis" 
    # Plot #  
    rv = t(df)  
    limit = np.minimum(rv.dist.b, 5)  
    x = np.linspace(-1 * limit, limit)  
    h = plt.plot(x, rv.pdf(x))  
    plt.title('Difference significance test')  
    plt.axvline(x = t_alpha_percentile, ymin = 0, ymax = 0.095,   
            linewidth=2, color='r')  
    plt.axvline(x = abs_t, ymin = 0, ymax = 0.6,   
            linewidth=2, color='g')  
    plt.annotate(r'(1 - $\alpha$ / 2) percentile', xy = (t_alpha_percentile, 0.05),  
            xytext=(t_alpha_percentile + 0.5, 0.09), arrowprops=dict(facecolor = 'black', shrink = 0.05),)  
    plt.annotate('t value', xy = (abs_t, 0.26),  
            xytext=(abs_t + 0.5, 0.30), arrowprops=dict(facecolor = 'black', shrink = 0.05),)  
    leg = plt.legend(('Student\'s t distribution', r'(1 - $\alpha$ / 2) percentile', 't value'),   
            'upper left', shadow = True)  
    frame = leg.get_frame()  
    for i in leg.get_texts():  
    for l in leg.get_lines():  
    normalized_sample = [0] * sample_len   
    for i in range(0, sample_len):  
        normalized_sample[i] = (sample[i] - sample_mean) / (sample_std / math.sqrt(sample_len))  
    plt.plot(normalized_sample, [0] * len(normalized_sample), 'ro')  
if __name__ == "__main__":  



输出为:ACCEPT the null hypothesis。



  1. 第一组测试:

输出:REJECT the null hypothesis(代表我们数据存在显著性差异)


输出:REJECT the null hypothesis(代表我们数据存在显著性差异)


输出:ACCEPT the null hypothesis(代表我们的数据没有显著性差异)



[1.359, 1.415, 1.395, 1.318, 1.345, 1.417, 1.36, 1.373, 1.337, 1.332, 1.498, 1.318, 1.392, 1.364, 1.397, 1.793, 1.341, 1.364, 1.428, 1.345, 1.418, 1.364, 1.372, 1.541, 1.465, 1.373, 1.337, 1.52, 1.375, 1.367, 1.366, 1.347, 1.334, 1.422, 1.354, 1.369, 1.413, 1.345, 1.373, 1.363, 1.464, 1.344, 1.324, 1.331, 1.405, 1.355, 1.674, 1.38, 1.352, 1.339, 1.326, 1.362, 1.431, 1.774, 1.312, 1.292, 1.384, 1.473, 1.337, 1.406, 1.412, 1.385, 1.292, 1.384, 1.342, 1.333, 1.435, 1.372, 1.42, 1.315, 1.344, 1.414, 1.51, 1.334, 1.308, 1.468, 1.401, 1.316, 1.373, 1.407, 1.474, 1.382, 1.346, 1.373, 1.366, 1.378, 1.315, 1.417, 1.431, 1.379, 1.324, 1.383, 1.349, 1.4, 1.327, 1.734, 1.395, 1.412, 1.438, 1.384]
[1.414, 1.326, 1.421, 1.371, 1.363, 1.36, 1.417, 1.34, 1.357, 1.429, 1.308, 1.324, 1.351, 1.323, 1.367, 1.412, 1.391, 1.661, 1.34, 1.38, 1.528, 1.417, 1.352, 1.569, 1.32, 1.473, 1.531, 1.445, 1.407, 1.529, 1.356, 1.349, 1.362, 1.358, 1.375, 1.365, 1.317, 1.302, 1.342, 1.351, 1.393, 1.473, 1.392, 1.299, 1.367, 1.381, 1.354, 1.374, 1.551, 1.448, 1.387, 1.361, 1.358, 1.362, 1.568, 1.343, 1.334, 1.378, 1.417, 1.382, 1.421, 1.345, 1.336, 1.302, 1.349, 1.381, 1.374, 1.359, 1.38, 1.553, 1.34, 1.269, 1.353, 1.329, 1.649, 1.392, 1.367, 1.377, 1.403, 1.361, 1.352, 1.466, 1.389, 1.346, 1.345, 1.35, 1.383, 1.446, 1.613, 1.395, 1.402, 1.394, 1.348, 1.353, 1.395, 1.345, 1.274, 1.425, 1.351, 1.586]
(0.0077692351582683648, 0.92985189389348166)
均值: 1.39346
方差: 0.0075982484
标准差: 0.0871679321769
均值: 1.39223
方差: 0.0058431971
标准差: 0.0764408078189







