【Evalueserve】招聘Senior Data Analyst/高级数据分析师(上海)
1. Initial Problem Structuring & Proposal Development:
a. Understanding clients requirements (business objectives, scope of information to be covered, business questions to be answered, etc.) independently
b. Understand the nature, source, structure & quality of data as relevant for the project
c. Conversion of the business requirement into data specification – collection, structuring, cleaning, analysis, reporting
d. As per the requirements, structuring the project (scope, research methodology, planned output – analysis/insights, project pricing, etc.)
e. Preparing proposals to be presented to the client
2. Project Planning & Setup:
a. Detailed scoping of work & issue analysis for execution
b. Preparing detailed project plans (GANTT Chart)
c. Participating-in/driving team briefing and task allocation
3. Project Execution (1-2 Projects at Any Point of Time):
a. Individual contribution:
i. Data collection, structuring, cleaning
ii. Statistical analysis using analytical tools like Excel, SAS, SPSS, etc.
iii. Non-statistical analysis as required
iv. Deriving insights and reporting/presentation
b. Leads analytical efforts to support business needs: balancing hands-on deeper technical contributions, with leadership responsibility for project management
c. Participating-in and driving brainstorming sessions for problem structuring, issue analysis & decision tree analysis, hypothesis building & validation, development of insights and recommendations (throughout the project)
d. Ensuring project team’s contribution (managing entry-level analysts):
i. Guiding team members (what to do and how to do different tasks)
ii. Monitoring the work done by the team members
iii. Ensuring top quality delivery by the project team
e. Participating in client communication throughout project lifecycle.
4. Undertaking Administrative Tasks
a. Project initiation/closure
b. Invoicing
Please note that a project may involve some or all of the elements as described above. Some projects may require us to focus only on data cleaning where as some may require us to derive in-depth insights.
Expected Qualifications & Skills
1. Degree (bachelors and/or masters degree or equivalent) in a numerical course e.g. statistics, mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, computer science, information science, operations research, IT or equivalent
2. Technical skills may include:
a. Good knowledge of statistical/information tools – SAS, SPSS, VBA, Excel, R, STATA, MS SQL, etc.
b. Exposure to work with multiple datasets, correlation analysis and hypothesis testing.
c. Exposure to advanced analytics methodologies such as regression (linear, logistic, etc.), cluster analysis, CART/CHAID, etc.
3. Language skills (verbal and written):
a. Excellent Chinese– verbal and written
b. Excellent English skills
4. At least 3 years of experience (a maximum of 5) in data analytics / quantitative roles
5. Experience in the area of problem structuring, conducting issue/decision tree analysis, developing/validating hypotheses will be a plus
6. Knowledge of different cultures and ability to work in an international environment
7. Excellent MS Office skills
8. Positive attitude and solution orientation – people who only identify problems need not apply, we look for people who not only identify problems but also offer solutions
以下的文章内容来源于柯家媛老师的专栏,如果您想阅读专栏《小白必备的数据思维课》,点击下方链接 https://edu.cda.cn/goods/sh ...
2025-03-13以下的文章内容来源于刘静老师的专栏,如果您想阅读专栏《10大业务分析模型突破业务瓶颈》,点击下方链接 https://edu.cda.cn/go ...
2025-03-12以下的文章内容来源于柯家媛老师的专栏,如果您想阅读专栏《小白必备的数据思维课》,点击下方链接 https://edu.cda.cn/goods/sh ...
2025-03-11随着数字化转型的加速,企业积累了海量数据,如何从这些数据中挖掘有价值的信息,成为企业提升竞争力的关键。CDA认证考试体系应 ...
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2025-03-04以下的文章内容来源于刘静老师的专栏,如果您想阅读专栏《10大业务分析模型突破业务瓶颈》,点击下方链接 https://edu.cda.cn/go ...
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