



Keystrokes for the Data Editor Menus:

The File Menu (Alt + F):

New Data Editor Sheet = Alt + F + N + A

New Syntax Window = Alt + F + N + S

New Output Window = Alt + F + N + O

New Draft Output Window = Alt + F + N + R

New Script Window = Alt + F + N + C

Open Datafile = Alt + F + O + A

Open Syntax File = Alt + F + O + S

Open Output File = Alt + F + O + O

Open Script File = Alt + F + O + C

Open Other File = Alt + F + O + T

Open Database - New Query = Alt + F + B + N

Open Database - Edit Saved Query = Alt + F + B + E

Open Database - Run Saved Query = Alt + F + B + R

Open Text Data = Alt + F + R

Save = Alt + F + S or Ctrl + S

Save As = Alt + F + A

Display Data Info = Alt + F + I

Apply Data Dictionary = Alt + F + D

Cache Data = Alt + F + C

Print Data = Alt + F + P

Print Preview = Alt + F + V

Switch Server = Alt + F + W

Stop Processor = Alt + F + E or Ctrl + .

Open Recently Used Data = Alt + F + T

Open Recently Used Files = Alt + F + F

Exit = Alt + F + X

The Edit Menu (Alt + E):

Undo = Alt + E + U or Ctrl + Z

Redo = Alt + E + R or Ctrl + R

Cut = Alt + E + T or Ctrl + X

Copy = Alt + E + C or Ctrl + C

Paste = Alt + E + P or Ctrl + V

Paste Variables = Alt + E + V

Clear = Alt + E + E or DEL

Find Data within Selected Variable = Alt + E + F

Options Menu = Alt + E + N

The View Menu (Alt + V):

Status Bar Hide/Show = Alt + V + S

Toolbar Editor = Alt + V + T

Font Editor = Alt + V + F

Grid Lines Hide/Show = Alt + V + L

Value Labels Hide/Show = Alt + V + V

Show Variable View = Ctrl + T

The Data Menu (Alt + D):

Define Dates = Alt + D + E

Insert Variable at Pointer = Alt + D + V

Insert Case at Pointer = Alt + D + I

Go to Case = Alt + D + S

Sort Cases = Alt + D + O

Transpose Variables = Alt + D + N

Merge Files - Add Cases = Alt + D + G + C

Merge Files - Add Variables = Alt + D + G + V

Aggregate Data = Alt + D + A

Split File = Alt + D + F

Select Cases = Alt + D + C

Weight Cases = Alt + D + W

The Transform Menu (Alt + T):

Compute Variable = Alt + T + C

Random Number Seed = Alt + T + S

Count Occurences of Values Within Cases = Alt + T + O

Recode into Same Variables = Alt + T + R + S

Recode into Different Variables = Alt + T + R + D

Categorize Variables = Alt + T + Z

Rank Cases = Alt + T + K

Automatic Recode = Alt + T + A

Create Time Series = Alt + T + M

Replace Missing Values = Alt + T + V

Run Pending Transforms = Alt + T + T

The Analyze Menu (Alt + A):

Please note that some analyses listed below will not be available unless you have licensed them from SPSS.

Reports - OLAP Cubes = Alt + A + P + A

Reports - Summarize Cases = Alt + A + P + M

Reports - Summaries in Rows = Alt + A + P + R

Reports - Summaries in Columns = Alt + A + P + S

Descriptives - Frequencies = Alt + A + E + F

Descriptives - Descriptives = Alt + A + E + D

Descriptives - Explore = Alt + A + E + E

Descriptives - Crosstabs = Alt + A + E + C

Tables - Basic Tables = Alt + A + T + B

Tables - General Tables = Alt + A + T + G

Tables - Multiple Response Tables = Alt + A + T + M

Tables - Tables of Frequencies = Alt + A + T + T

Compare Means - Means = Alt + A + M + M

Compare Means - One-Sample T-test = Alt + A + M + S

Compare Means - Independent-Samples T-test = Alt + A + M + T

Compare Means - Paired-Samples T-test = Alt + A + M + P

Compare Means - One-Way ANOVA = Alt + A + M + O

General Linear Model - Univariate = Alt + A + G + U

General Linear Model - Multivariate = Alt + A + G + M

General Linear Model - Repeated Measures = Alt + A + G + R

General Linear Model - Variance Components = Alt + A + G + V

Correlate - Bivariate = Alt + A + C + B

Correlate - Partial = Alt + A + C + R

Correlate - Distances = Alt + A + C + D

Regression - Linear = Alt + A + R + L

Regression - Curve Estimation = Alt + A + R + C

Regression - Binary Logistic = Alt + A + R + G

Regression - Multinomial Logistic = Alt + A + R + M

Regression - Ordinal = Alt + A + R + D

Regression - Probit = Alt + A + R + P

Regression - Nonlinear = Alt + A + R + N

Regression - Weight Estimation = Alt + A + R + W

Regression - Two-Stage Least Squares = Alt + A + R + 2

Regression - Optimal Scaling = Alt + A + R + O

Loglinear Analysis - General = Alt + A + O + G

Loglinear Analysis - Logit = Alt + A + O + L

Loglinear Analysis - Model Selection = Alt + A + O + M

Classify - K-means Cluster Analysis = Alt + A + Y + K

Classify - Hierarchical Cluster Analysis = Alt + A + Y + H

Classify - Discriminant Function Analysis = Alt + A + Y + D

Data Reduction - Exploratory Factor Analysis = Alt + A + D + F

Data Reduction - Correspondence Analysis = Alt + A + D + C

Data Reduction - = Alt + A + D + O = Optimal Scaling

Scale - Reliability Analysis = Alt + A + A + Enter + R

Scale - Multidimensional Scaling = Alt + A + A + Enter + M

Scale - Multidimensional Scaling PROXSCAL = Alt + A + A + Enter + P

Nonparametric Tests - Chi-Square = Alt + A + N + C

Nonparametric Tests - Binomial Test = Alt + A + N + B

Nonparametric Tests - Run Test = Alt + A + N + R

Nonparametric Tests - One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test = Alt + A + N + 1

Nonparametric Tests - Two-Independent-Samples Tests = Alt + A + N + 2

Nonparametric Tests: Tests for Several Independent Samples = Alt + A + N + K

Nonparametric Tests: Two-Related-Samples = Alt + A + N + L

Nonparametric Tests: Tests for Several Related Samples = Alt + A + N + S

Time Series: Exponential Smoothing = Alt + A + I + E

Time Series: Autoregression = Alt + A + I + U

Time Series: ARIMA = Alt + A + I + I

Time Series: Seasonal Decomposition = Alt + A + I + S

Survival Analysis: Life Tables = Alt + A + S + L

Survival Analysis: Life Tables = Alt + A + S + K

Survival Analysis: Cox Regression = Alt + A + S + C

Survival Analysis: Cox Regression with Time-Dependent Covariate = Alt + A + S + O

Multiple Response: Define Sets = Alt + A + L + D

AMOS = Alt + A + A + Enter

The Graphs Menu (Alt + G):

Chart Gallery information = Alt + G + G

Interactive Chart: Bar Graph = Alt + G + A + Enter + B

Interactive Chart: Dots = Alt + G + A + Enter + D

Interactive Chart: Lines = Alt + G + A + Enter + L

Interactive Chart: Ribbons = Alt + G + A + Enter + R

Interactive Chart: Drop-Lines = Alt + G + A + Enter + P

Interactive Chart: Area Chart = Alt + G + A + Enter + A

Interactive Chart: Simple Pie Chart = Alt + G + A + Enter + E + S

Interactive Chart: Clustered Pie Chart = Alt + G + A + Enter + E + C

Interactive Chart: Plotted Pie Chart = Alt + G + A + Enter + E + P

Bar Chart = Alt + G + B

Line Chart = Alt + G + L

Area Chart = Alt + G + A + A + Enter

Pie Chart = Alt + G + E

High-Low Charts = Alt + G + H

Pareto Charts = Alt + G + R

Control Charts = Alt + G + C

Boxplot = Alt + G + X

Error Bar = Alt + G + O

Scatterplot = Alt + G + S

Histogram = Alt + G + I

P-P Plots = Alt + G + P

Q-Q Plots = Alt + G + Q

Sequence Chats = Alt + G + U

ROC Curve = Alt + G + V

Time Series: Autocorrelation = Alt + G + T + A

Time Series: Cross-correlation = Alt + G + T + R

Time Series: Spectral Plots = Alt + G + T + P

The Utilities Menu (Alt + U):

Variable information = Alt + U + R

File information (will appear in output window) = Alt + U + N

Define Variable Sets = Alt + U + E

Use Variable Sets = Alt + U + U

Run Script = Alt + U + S

Menu Editor = Alt + U + M

The Window Menu (Alt + W):

Minimize all SPSS windows = Alt + W + M

Go to first working window (usually the data editor) = Alt + W + 1

Go to second working window = Alt + W + 2

Go to third working window = Alt + W + 3

etc. (the windows will be assigned numbers in the order in which they were opened or created in this session. Thus, if you open the data editor, then open the syntax window and write syntax, then run the syntax to produce output, your windows will be assigned as follows: 1=Data Editor; 2=Syntax; 3=Output. If you have multiple syntax or output windows, they will each be assigned their own number in the order in which they were opened or created)

The Help Menu (Alt + H or F1 or Shift + F1 or Ctrl + F1):

Help Topics Listing = Alt + H + P

Tutorials = Alt + H + T

SPSS Web Page = Alt + H + M

Syntax Guide: Base = Alt + H + S + B

Syntax Guide: Regression Models = Alt + H + S + E

Syntax Guide: Advanced Models = Alt + H + S + A

Syntax Guide: Tables = Alt + H + S + T

Syntax Guide: Trends = Alt + H + S + R

Syntax Guide: Categories = Alt + H + S + C

Syntax Guide: Conjoint = Alt + H + S + J

Statistics Coach: Alt + H + C

About SPSS: Alt + H + A

Register Product: Alt + H + E

Other Data Editor Keystrokes:

(available only while the DATA EDITOR window is active)

Activate Menu Bar = F10 (use RightArrow and LeftArrow keys to move across menu bar)

Go up = UpArrow

Go down = DownArrow

Go to next cell on right = Right Arrow

Go to next cell on left = LeftArrow

Go To beginning of current row = HOME or Ctrl + LeftArrow

Go To end of current row = END or Ctrl + RightArrow

Go To previous page in datasheet = PgUp

Go To next page in datasheet = PgDown

Go To first cell in datasheet = Ctrl + HOME

Go To last cell in datasheet = Ctrl + END

Select from current cell to beginning of row = Shift + HOME

Select from current cell to end of row = Shift + END

Select from current row up (within current/selected column) = Shift + PgUp

Select from current row down (within current/selected column) = Shift + PgUp

Select cell to right = Shift + RightArrow + RightArrow

Select cell to left = Shift + LeftArrow + LeftArrow

Select current row = Shift + Spacebar

Select current column = Ctrl + Spacebar

Delete Selection = DEL or Shift + DEL or Backspace

Copy selection = Ctrl + C

Cut selection = Ctrl + X

Paste selection = Ctrl + V

Edit contents of current cell = F2 (to exit edit mode, press Enter)

Go To Next Application = Alt + ESC

Close Active Window = Alt + F4

Go To Next Window = Alt + F6

Swtich between Data and Variable views = Ctrl + T

See value label for current cell = Shift + F2

Cancel current process = ESC

Activate PC Start Menu = Ctrl + ESC

Dialog Box Keystrokes

Activate a control = Alt+[underlined letter]

Paste syntax = Alt + P Next control = Tab

Previous control = Shift+Tab

"Click" the active control = Spacebar

Cancel dialog box = Esc

Select several items in list box = Ctrl-click

Select all items in list box = Ctrl+A

Open a drop-down list = Alt+Down Arrow

Select item in a drop-down list = Alt+Up Arrow


